A Case Of 100 % Congenital Hearing Impairment Cured By Homeopathic Treatment

One of my grandsons was diagnosed to be 100 percent  congenitally hearing impaired when he was 6 months old. BERA test was done at MIMS hospital, Kozhikode, Kerala, and they advised immediate cochlear implant, and they warned that unless it is done immediately, the child will become totally deaf and dumb.

The infant was having a complaint of infantile myoclonus since birth, which was treated by myself homeopathically and completely relieved by the time he was three months old.

Then we went to Sree Chithra Institute in Trivandrum and the tests ensured that he was not epileptic.
Next we went to All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore India. They also confirmed the earlier diagnosis and strongly advised immediate cochlear implanting.
Then I decided to give homeopathy a chance. Under my treatment the hearing gradually improved, and now he is a normal baby, with almost normal speech and hearing. Treatment is still continuing. He is now 3 years old. Latest BERA test shows that hearing impairment is only 10% now.
Most prominent symptoms I noticed in the baby were:
Persistent bending of head backwards, especially when we bring him to open air.
Excessive perspiration
Very happy and playful while bathing, especially in cold water
Frequent urination, especially daytime
Very flabby skin and muscles.
Will not allow to cover him
Infantile myoclonus < while falling asleep and motion
Electric shock like jerking of limbs while falling asleep
Makes shrieking noises while asleep
Frequent weeping while asleep
While spots on various parts of body

Using SIMILIMUM ULTRA Software, I selected following 19 rubrics from KENT REPERTORY-
1. [Kent]Hearing : IMPAIRED
2. [Kent]Hearing : IMPAIRED : Bending head backward amel
3.[Kent]Generalities : BATHING : Cold : Desire for
4. [Kent]Mind : WEEPING, tearful mood, etc. : Sleep : In
5. [Kent]Mind : LAMENTING, bemoaning, wailing etc. (compare weeping): Asleep, while
6. [Kent]Mind : SHRIEKING : Sleep : During
7. [Kent]Skin : FLABBINESS
8. [Kent]Generalities : FLABBY feeling
9. [Kent]Generalities : SHOCKS : Electric-like
10. [Kent]Generalities : SHOCKS : Electric-like : Sleep : On going to
11. [Kent]Extremities-I : JERKING : Upper limbs : Falling asleep, on
12. [Kent]Generalities : MOTION
13. [Kent]Generalities : BATHING : Cold : Amel
14. [Kent]Generalities : HOT REMEDIES (Gibson Miller’s
15. [Kent]Perspiration : PROFUSE
16. [Kent]Skin : DISCOLORATION : White
17. [Kent]Skin : DISCOLORATION : White : Spots
18. [Kent]Bladder : URINATION : Frequent
19. [Kent]Bladder : URINATION : Frequent : Daytime
Then, similar rubrics were combined to make single rubrics, there by only following 10 rubrics remained for repertorization:
1. [Kent]Hearing : IMPAIRED+[Kent]Hearing : IMPAIRED : Bending head backward amel
2. Kent]Generalities : BATHING : Cold : Desire for+ [Kent]Generalities : BATHING : Cold : Amel
3. [Kent]Bladder : URINATION : Frequent+ [Kent]Bladder : URINATION : Frequent : Daytime
4. [Kent]Skin : DISCOLORATION : White+ [Kent]Skin : DISCOLORATION : White : Spots
5. [Kent]Perspiration : PROFUSE
6. [Kent]Generalities : HOT REMEDIES (Gibson Miller’s)
7. [Kent]Mind : WEEPING, tearful mood, etc. : Sleep : In+ [Kent]Mind : LAMENTING, bemoaning, wailing etc. (compare weeping) : Asleep, while+ [Kent]Mind : SHRIEKING : Sleep : During
8. [Kent]Generalities : SHOCKS : Electric-like+ [Kent]Generalities : SHOCKS : Electric-like : Sleep : On going to + [Kent]Extremities-I : JERKING : Upper limbs : Falling asleep, on
9. [Kent] Skin : FLABBINESS+ [Kent]Generalities : FLABBY feeling
10. [Kent] Generalities: MOTION
Rubrics were then graded using GRADE RUBRICS tool.
Repertorization was done using TOTALITY method and COMBINED METHOD. Both gave FFLUORIC ACID as the similimum beyond doubt.
Repertorisation Result – Totality Method: Totality Using – All Symptoms: Fl-ac.(61/10), Sulph.(57/9), Apis.(55/9), Nat-m.(52/8), Ars.(50/8), Puls.(50/8), Calc.(49/8), Lyc.(48/7), Phos.(48/8),
Repertorisation Result – Combined Method: Eliminate Using – Selected Symptoms: Totality Using – All Symptoms: Fl-ac.(61)
A very characteristic symptom I noticed was the “bending of head backwards”. Since there was no weakness of neck or any difficulty in holding neck straight, this bending backward seemed to be very peculiar. I think the baby got some faint sound signals when bending head backward. His eye movements indicated he is listening to some sounds.
Hence, “Hearing: IMPAIRED: Bending head backward amel” can be considered a peculiar characteristic symptom in this case, for which only ACID FLUOR is given in KENT REPERTORY
A few doses of SYPHILINUM were given intercurrently. A few doses of SILICEA were also given, since it is considered to be the complementary of ACID FLUOR.
I think this single case my greatest achievement in my whole life.  My long years of dedication to homeopathy is amply rewarded by the happy outcome of this case which saved my family from a grave state of misfortune.

Author: Dr. Chandran Nambiar

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