

Summary: Firstly, we would like to mention the fruitful relationship established among the main Spanish Medical Homeopathic Societies: Academia Médico Homeopática de Barcelona (AMHB); Federación Española de Médicos Homeópatas (FEMH); Sociedad Española de Medicina Homeopática (SEMH) in the last few years, which join together more than 800 medical homeopaths. Below we have listed some of the activities in which the three societies have jointly participated. -The organization of the 3rd National Homeopathic Congress by the SEMH in collaboration with the AMHB and the FEMH held in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valladolid (2-4 May 2008). -The publication of a new homeopathic journal in collaboration with the three societies: (AMHB, FEMH, SEMH), that will published under the name of Revista Médica de Homeopatía. This new publication aims to normalise the situation of the homeopathic journals in the medical world, as well as increasing the diffusion and accuracy of the Spanish homeopathic articles. It will be published by Elsevier Doyma, the most important editorial in Spain to publish medical journals. -The joint opposition to the announced project of the Ministerial Decree for homeopathic medicines issued by the Ministry of Health. This decree signifies an exorbitant increase in the cost of registration of each homeopathic medicine as well as the correspondent dilutions, greatly multiplying the previous taxes and making the homeopathic pharmaceutical business in Spain unfeasible. This measure could also provoke a shortage of the homeopathic medicines. Dr. Valentín Romero, President of the National Assembly of Homeopathy represented the interests of the medical homeopaths in the meeting celebrated on April the 14th in the Ministry of Health, proposing together with the representative of the pharmaceutical industry a legislation similar to that in Germany and France. -Another threat to the development of homeopathy in Spain has been the decree to regulate the non-conventional therapies including homeopathy issued by the Health Department of the Catalan Government. On June 2007 the Supreme Court of Justice suspended the articles that were demanded by the Academia Médico Homeopática de Barcelona which received the support of the FEMH and the SEMH as well as the written of Dr Ulrich Fischer (President of the LMHI) and Dr Ton Nicolai (President of ECH) during the legal process. At present, the decree is pending a final decision. EDUCATION With reference to post-graduate training, we would like to point out the following: -The 2-year Master in Homeopathy. Organised by the FEMH. It complies with the ECH standards. -The 2-year Master in Homeopathic Medicine. Organised by the AMHB in collaboration with the University of Barcelona – IL3 Continuing Education Department. This Master was accredited by the ECH in 2007. -The 2-year Master on Homeopathy. Organised by the Depatment of Animal Production of the Faculty of Veterinary of the University of Murcia. -Training programme as Specialist in Homeopathy. Organised by the CEDH and the University of Murcia It does not comply with the ECH standards. -Medical Training in Homeopathy (two-year course) organised by the Foundation of the Medical College from Madrid for Healthy Education and training with the collaboration of the Fundación Instituto Homeopático y Hospital de San José. -Graduated Expert in Homeopathy (2-year training). Organised by the ·Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valladolid and the SEMH (pluralist homeopathic medical association, which does not belong to LMHI) with the collaboration of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital and the Fundación Homeos of Buenos Aires. Homeopathy and pharmaceutical market finances Boiron Laboratories has provided the following information about the homeopathic market in Spain in the last year. Population: 42 millions of inhabitants. Physicians: 210,000 Homeopaths: 2,500 (maybe around 550 of them are unicists) Chemist’s shop: 20,200 Sales figures: 27.1 million EUR Number of Spanish LMHI associates Academia Médico Homeopática de Barcelona: 1 association Medical doctors 231 Pharmacists 11 Veterinarians 6 Total 238 Federación Española de Médicos Homeópatas: 11 associations Medical doctors 215 Pharmacists 8 Veterinarians 1 Total 224
Spanish Homeopathic Medical Associations LMHI institutional members -Academia Médico Homeopática de Barcelona (AMHB) Members: 238 C/ Aragó 186, 2n – 1a 08011 Barcelona Phone: 93 323 48 36 Fax: 93 451 34 04 Web: http://www.amhb.net/ E.mail: amhb@amhb.net President: Dr. Manel Mateu i Ratera -Federación Española de Médicos Homeópatas (FEMH) Members: 224 C/ Asturias, 8 – 3ºD 33004 Oviedo Phone: 98 527 11 28 Web: http://www.femh.org/ E- mail: mailto:yahoi50@telefonica.net President: Dra. Inmaculada González-Carbajal García --Sociedad Hahnemanniana Matritense. Instituto Homeopático y Hospital de San José Members: 38 C/ Eloy Gonzalo, 3 y 5 28010 Madrid Phone: 629 02 73 61 E-mail: torvio@teleline.es President: Dra. Ana María Viorreta Arabaolaza --Asociación de Médicos Homeópatas de Andalucía Members: 43 C/ Céfiro, 9 – 2º esc. 5ºC 41018 Sevilla Phone: 95 457 93 98 E-mail: vromerob@arrakis.es President: Dr. Valentín Romero Bonilla --Asociación Médico Homeopática de Santa Cruz de Tenerife Members: 19 C/ Mocán, 6 38400 Puerto de la Cruz (La Paz) Phone: 92 226 18 28 E-mail: drantoniomarques@auna.com President: Dr. Antonio Francisco Márquez Arpa
--Academia Médico-Homeopática Canaria Members: 11 C/ La Naval, 152 – 5º 35008 Las Palmas Phone: 92 846 96 54 E-mail: nievesrsg@yahoo.es President: Dra. Nieves Rodriguez San Ginés --Sociedad Científica de Homeopatía de Aragón Members: 16 C/ León XIII, 17 – 2º izda. 50008 Zaragoza Phone: 97 621 65 59 E-mail: juanmartin@comz.org President: Dr. Juan Martín-Ballestero Hernández --Asociación Vasco-Navarra de Médicos Homeópatas Members: 33 C/ Kondeko Aldapa, 9 20400 Tolosa – Guipúzcoa Phone: 94 367 04 95 E-mail: ajegon@terra.es President: Dra. Mª Jesús González Larrañeta --Associació Mèdico-Homeopàtica de Mallorca Members: 10 C/ Joan March , 8 - 5ª - 1ª 07004 Ciudad de Palma – Baleares Phone: 971 20 65 66 E-mail: islara@teleline.es President: Dr. Isidre Lara i Llobet --Sociedad Médico-Homeopática de la Comunidad Valenciana Members: 25 Apartado de Correos nº 63 03080 Alicante Phone: 96 380 69 14 E-mail: dyc@comv.es President: Dra. Deisy Cé Duarte do Amaral --Academia de Homeopatía de Asturias Members. 13 C/ Asturias, 8 - 3º D 33004 Oviedo Phone: 98 527 11 28 E-mail: yasoi50@telefonica.net President: Dra. Inmaculada González-Carbajal García --Asociación Andaluza Médico Homeopática “Similia” Members 11 Paseo de los Basilios, 5 bajos 18008 Granada Phone: 95 813 69 49 E-mail: mailto:teresaarraezl@hotmail.com President: Dra. María Teresa Arraez Salvago --Sociedad Gallega de Medicina Homeopática Members 5 C/ Fragoso, 6 - 4º C 36210 Vigo Phone: 98 62114 62 E-mail: aleiros@terra.es President: Dra. Mª José Gomez Segarra Non - LMHI members -Asociación Médica Española de Homeopatía y Bioterapia (AMEHB) http://www.amehb.com/ President: Jordi Forés i Colomer E-mail: drfores@foresperez.com -Sociedad Española de Medicina Homeopática (SEMH) http://www.semh.org/ E-mail: secretaria@semh.org President: Mª Dolores Tremiño San Emeterio E-mail: dtremiño@dvnet.es This society belongs to the Asamblea Nacional de Homeopatía together with the AMHB and the FEMH, and is playing an important role in the development of the homeopathy in Spain. Education Master in Homeopathy Organised by the FEMH. It complies with the ECH Standards. Master in Homeopathic Medicine. Organised by the AMHB in collaboration with the University of Barcelona/ IL3 –Department of Continuous Education. Master accredited by the ECH in 2007. Master on Homeopathy. Organised by the Department of Animal Production of the Faculty of Veterinary of the University of Murcia. Training programmes of Graduated Specialist in Homeopathy ·Department of Pharmacology. University of Murcia. Organized by CEDH. It does not comply with the ECH Standards. Graduated Expert in Homeopathy (2-year training). Organised by the ·Faculty of Medicine of the University of Valladolid and SEMH (pluralist homeopathic medical association) with the collaboration of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital and the Fundación Homeos of Buenos Aires. Post-graduated training, given by homeopathic associations and the Official Colleges of Medical Doctors (OCMD) - Seminar about Theoretical basis and Advanced Clinic given by Dr Ernesto Giampietro. 1-4November 2007. Organised by the Academia de Homeopatía de Astúrias. -LM prescription. Seminar by Dr Inmaculada González-Carbajal García. May 2008. Organised by the Academia de Homeopatía de Astúrias. -Difficult and chronic cases in Homeopathy. Seminar given by Dr Ernesto Cámpora, on May 2007. Organised by the Academia Médico Homeopática de Barcelona. -Strategies to face acute and chronic difficult cases. Seminar given by Dr Oscar Minotti on Nov-Dec 2007. Organised by the Academia Médico Homeopática de Barcelona. -7th Meeting of Canary Islands Homeopathic Medical Doctors. November 2007. -Perception. Seminar given by Lourdes Tornos, following the ideas of Rajan Sankaran. November 2007. Organised by Sociedad Hahnemanniana Matritense. -The Post-graduate two-year course organised by the Foundation of the Medical College from Madrid for Healthy Education and training with the collaboration of the Fundación Instituto Homeopático Hospital San José y la Sociedad Hahnemanniana Matritense in the site of the Medical Council of Madrid. Conducted by Dr Marcos Mantero. -The 5th course of Basic training in homeopathy organised by the Sociedad Científica de Homeopatía de Aragón in the place of the Medical Council of Zaragoza. October 2007. -3rd Seminar with Rajan Sankaran in Argelès 26-31 May 2008 (South France) organised by the Société de Médecine Homéopathique Midi-Pyrénées of Toulose and the Academia Médico Homeopática de Barcelona. Pharmacy Asociación Española de Farmacéuticos Homeópatas (AEFH) C/ Villanueva nº 11 6ª planta 28001 Madrid Phone: 91 431 25 60 Web: http://www.aefhom.org/
Veterinary At the present there are plans to create the Sociedad Española de Homeopatía Veterinaria. Books published Medicina Homeopática, Carles Amengual. June 2007. Ed. Libros Cúpula Homeopatía Veterinaria, Coral Mateo y José R. Torre. Ed. Dilema S.I. La Magia de la Homeopatía, Emilio Morales. 2ª edición Ed. Mínima There are plans to publish a Spanish version of the book of Jan Scholten Homeopathy and the Elements in autumn 2008. Web pages redesigned In 2007 both associations FEMH and AMHB have redesigned and up-dated their webpages.
Homeopathic Magazines REVISTA HOMEOPÁTICA Published by the Academia Médico Homeopática de Barcelona http://www.amhb.net/ REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE HOMEOPATÍA Published by the Federación Española de Médicos Homeópatas http://www.femh.org/ HOMEPATÍA CLÍNICA Published by the Sociedad Española de Medicina Homeopática http://www.semh.org/ REVISTA MÉDICA DE HOMEOPATÍA (New) Journal published jointly by the AMHB, the FEMH and the SEMH. (Editorial Elsevier Doyma) 1st issue expected Summer 2008.
Author: Dr. Xavier Cabré, Spanish National Vice-President LMHI from 2006. Report presented to the LMHI International Council, Oostende (Belgium), May 2008.

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