

(OJO, VISIÓN, OÍDO, AUDICIÓN, NARIZ, CARA) OJO Síntomas: disfunciones de abertura y cierre de los párpados, caída de pestañas y cejas, lagrimeo, fotofobia, dilatación y contracción de pupilas, movimientos de los globos oculares, sintomatología y patología oftalmológica (conjuntivitis, iritis, astigmatismo, estrabismo,…),… Localizaciones: Globos oculares, coroides, conjuntivas, escleróticas, pupilas, córnea, humor vítreo, retina, iris, párpados, músculos de las cej
as, lagrimales (canal o conducto, glándulas, saco), cantos de los ojos, margen de los párpados, pestañas, músculos oculares (ciliar, rectos interno y externo, oblicuo superior) y orbiculares, arco orbitario, órbitas y huesos de las órbitas, carúnculas, glándulas de Meibomio, nervio óptico Rúbricas (selección): EYE - AGGLUTINATED EYE - BLEEDING from eyes - Retinal hemorrhage EYE - CATARACT EYE - CLOSING THE EYES EYE - CRACKS - Canthi; in EYE – DISCHARGES EYE - DISCOLORATION - red EYE – ECCHYMOSIS EYE - EYE GUM – Canthi EYE - FISTULA – lachrymalis EYE - HAIR - falling - Eyelashes; from EYE - HAIR - sensation of hair in eye EYE - HEAVINESS – Lids EYE – INFLAMMATION EYE - LACHRYMATION - cold - air agg. EYE - LACHRYMATION - side, affected EYE - LACHRYMATION - wind agg. EYE – MOVEMENT / (- NYSTAGMUS) EYE - OPACITY - Cornea - arcus senilis EYE - OPEN lids EYE - OPEN lids - sleep; during EYE - OPENING the lids EYE - PAIN - foreign body; as from a EYE - PAIN - sand; as from EYE - PAIN - extending to - Frontal sinus EYE - PARALYSIS - Eyeballs - Muscles - Internal recti EYE - PARALYSIS - Optic nerve EYE – PHOTOPHOBIA EYE – PUPILS EYE - QUIVERING – Lids EYE - RUBBING the eyes - desire to / EYE - ITCHING - rubbing - amel. / EYE - RUBBING - amel. [Synthesis] EYE - SCROFULOUS affections EYE – STARING EYE – STRABISMUS / EYE - STRABISMUS – divergent EYE - STRICTURE of lachrymal duct EYE – STYES / EYE - STYES – recurrent EYE – SWELLING EYE - TIRED SENSATION EYE - TWITCHING – Lids EYE - ULCERATION – Cornea EYE - WILD look EYE - WINKING EYE - WIPE, inclination to Clínica: Conjuntivitis, blefaritis, traumatismos. VISIÓN Síntomas: defectos de la acomodación, alteraciones cualitativas de la visión (borrosa, círculos, colores, "moscas volantes", destellos, chispas,…), disminución de la visión, ceguera, anomalías de refracción (diplopia, miopía, presbicia, hemiopía, hipermetropía, astigmatismo, …) Rúbricas (selección): VISION – ACCOMMODATION VISION – BLURRED VISION - BRIGHT - objects seem brighter / VISION - GLITTERING objects VISION – CIRCLES VISION - COLORS before the eyes VISION - COLORS before the eyes - black - spots – floating / (- MUSCAE volitantes) VISION - COLORS before the eyes - halo of colors - light; around the VISION - DAZZLING VISION – DIM VISION – DIPLOPIA VISION - DIPLOPIA - headache - during VISION - DIPLOPIA - pregnancy – during VISION - DISTANT, objects seem / VISION - NEARER, objects seem VISION - EXERTION OF THE EYES agg. VISION – FEATHERY VISION – FIERY / - FIERY – zigzags / – FLAMES / - ZIGZAGS VISION – FLASHES / – LIGHTNING / - SPARKS / - STARS VISION – FLICKERING VISION – FOGGY VISION – HEMIOPIA VISION – HYPERMETROPIA VISION – ILLUSIONS VISION - LARGE - objects seem large / VISION - SMALL, objects seem VISION - LOSS OF VISION VISION – MYOPIA VISION - RUN together – letters VISION – SPOTS Clínica: Defectos de refracción ocular OÍDO Síntomas: otorrea, otitis, otalgia, acúfenos, sensación de taponamiento, cerumen,… Localizaciones: Oído externo (oreja), medio e interno: meato, lóbulo, concha, trago y antitrago, proceso mastoideo, tímpano, trompa de Eustaquio; adenopatías circundantes, zonas pre-, retro-, supra- e infra-auriculares, hueso parietal, porción pétrea del hueso temporal Rúbricas (selección): EAR - ABSCESS - Behind the ears EAR - AIR - sensation of air / EAR - BLOWING sensation in EAR - AIR - sensitive to open air / EAR - WIND - sensitive to EAR - ALIVE in ear; sensation of something EAR - BORING fingers in EAR - CATARRH - Eustachian tubes EAR – COLDNESS / - - one side / - - heat; during / - - one cold the other hot EAR – DISCHARGES EAR - DISCOLORATION – redness / - DISCOLORATION - redness - one side EAR - DISCOLORATION - redness – chilblains /(EAR - CHILBLAINS) / EAR - ITCHING – burning [Kent] / - ITCHING – Meatus (?) – burning [Synthesis] EAR – ERUPTIONS / EAR - ERUPTIONS - Behind the ears – cracks EAR - FROZEN; as if EAR - FULLNESS, sensation of EAR – HEAT EAR – INFLAMMATION / - INFLAMMATION – Media / - INFLAMMATION - Mastoid EAR – ITCHING EAR - NOISES in EAR - NOISES in - accompanied by – vertigo (VERTIGO - MÉNIÈRE'S DISEASE) EAR - NOISES in - synchronous with pulse EAR - PAIN - cold - air - agg. / - PAIN - wind - cold - agg. EAR - STOPPED sensation EAR - SUPPURATION - Middle ear EAR – SWELLING EAR – TWITCHING EAR - ULCERATION – Tympanum [Kent]/ EAR - PERFORATION - Tympanum [Synthesis] EAR – WAX / - WAX - increased Clínica: Otitis AUDICIÓN Síntomas: sentido del oído, disminución de la audición, sordera, hipersensibilidad auditiva Rúbricas (selección): HEARING - ACUTE HEARING - ACUTE - noise; to HEARING - ACUTE - voices and talking HEARING – ILLUSIONS HEARING – IMPAIRED IMPAIRED - accompanied by – noises [Synthesis] HEARING - IMPAIRED - catarrh of eustachian tube HEARING - IMPAIRED - noises - amel. HEARING - IMPAIRED - voice, the human HEARING - LOST NARIZ Síntomas: coriza, secreción nasal (mucosidad), epistaxis, sensaciones, rinitis, obstrucción nasal, anosmia, disminución del olfato, hipersensibilidad y alteraciones olfativas, dolor, estornudos, patología nasal y cutáneo-nasal,… Localizaciones: Punta, raíz, alas y fosas nasales (bordes, comisuras), tabique nasal, coanas y zona retronasal, cornetes, senos nasales y antro, huesos nasales, cartílago, dorso; sentido del olfato Rúbricas (selección): NOSE - AIR - inspired air; sensitive to NOSE - BLOWING THE NOSE - inclination to blow the nose; constant NOSE - BORING in nose with fingers NOSE – CATARRH NOSE - CATARRH - followed by - Frontal sinuses; complaints of NOSE - CATARRH – Postnasal NOSE – COLDNESS NOSE – CORYZA / - CORYZA – chronic NOSE - CORYZA - cutting the hair, from NOSE - CORYZA - discharge, with NOSE - CORYZA - discharge, without NOSE - CORYZA – suppressed NOSE - CORYZA – annual [Kent] / - CORYZA – periodical / - CORYZA – flowers / - CORYZA - odors - peaches agg., of / - CORYZA - odors - roses agg. of / NOSE - HAY FEVER [Synthesis] NOSE - HAY FEVER - asthmatic breathing; with [Synthesis] / NOSE - SNEEZING - hay asthma, with / NOSE - SNEEZING - hay fever; in [Synthesis] / RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - hay asthma [Kent] / RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - hay; from [Synthesis] NOSE – DISCHARGE / - - crusts, scabs, inside / - - excoriating / NOSE - DISCHARGE – greenish / - - offensive / - - purulent NOSE - DISCHARGE - suppressed NOSE - DISCHARGE - Posterior nares NOSE – DISCOLORATION / - - redness / - - redness – Tip NOSE - DRYNESS – Inside NOSE - DRYNESS - Inside - blowing nose, but without discharge; compels NOSE – EPISTAXIS / - EPISTAXIS - children; in NOSE - EPISTAXIS - menses - suppressed menses; from / - EPISTAXIS – vicarious NOSE - EPISTAXIS - whooping cough NOSE – ITCHING / - ITCHING - burning / - ITCHING – rubs NOSE - LIQUIDS - come out through the nose on attempting to swallow NOSE - MOTION - Wings; of - fan-like / - - Wings; of - fan-like - pneumonia, in NOSE – OBSTRUCTION / - OBSTRUCTION - children; in - nursing infants NOSE - ODORS; imaginary and real / - ODORS; imaginary and real - catarrh; as of - old catarrh / - ODORS; imaginary and real - offensive - blowing the nose agg. NOSE – PAIN NOSE - PERSPIRATION on NOSE - PICKING – Nose NOSE – SMELL / - SMELL - acute - cooking food / - SMELL - acute – food NOSE - SMELL - acute - strong odors / - SMELL - acute – tobacco / - SMELL - acute - unpleasant odors NOSE - SMELL – wanting / (- ANOSMIA) NOSE – SNEEZING / - SNEEZING - cough – after / - SNEEZING - paroxysmal NOSE – SNUFFLING / - SNUFFLING - children; in - newborns; in NOSE – SWELLING NOSE - ULCERS Clínica: Rinitis, Epistaxis CARA Síntomas: coloración, erupciones y otras afecciones cutáneas (faciales, nasales, labiales, de la frente, en las sienes), expresión facial, caída de pelos de la barba, prosopalgia, dolor infraorbitario,… Localizaciones: Antro, maxilares superior e inferior, labios y comisuras labiales, glándulas parótidas y submaxilares y salivares y sublinguales, huesos faciales (malares, maseteros), cóndilo, foramen mental, cigoma, mejillas, mentón, barba, bigote y pelos de la barba, alrededor de los ojos, cejas, zona infraorbitaria, boca (en su aspecto externo), músculos de la cara y maseteros Rúbricas (selección): FACE – BLOATED FACE – CANCER FACE – CHAPPED / - CHAPPED – Lips FACE - CHEWING motion of the jaw / - CHEWING motion of the jaw - sleep agg.; during FACE – CHLOASMA [Synthesis] FACE - CLENCHED jaw FACE – COLDNESS FACE - CONVULSIONS, spasms FACE - CRACKED – Lips / - CRACKED - Lips - Lower - Middle of / - CRACKED - Lips - Upper – Middle / - EXCORIATION - Lips FACE - CRACKED - Mouth; corners of / - EXCORIATION - Mouth; corners of FACE - CRACKING in articulation of jaw - chewing agg. FACE – DISCOLORATION FACE - DISCOLORATION - bluish - Eyes - Around; circles FACE - DISCOLORATION - pale - heat; during FACE - DISCOLORATION - pale - one-sided FACE - DISCOLORATION - pale - one-sided - one side pale and hot, the other side red and cold / FACE - DISCOLORATION - red - one side - pale, the other red; one side FACE - DISCOLORATION - red – circumscribed [Kent] / FACE - DISCOLORATION - red – Cheeks [Synthesis] FACE - DISCOLORATION - red - one side / - - - cough – during / - - - eating - after - agg. / - - - excitement FACE - DISLOCATION of jaws – easy FACE – DISTORTION FACE – DRAWN FACE - DRYNESS – Lips FACE – ERUPTIONS / - ERUPTIONS – acne / - ERUPTIONS – comedones FACE - ERUPTIONS - acne - rosacea FACE - ERUPTIONS - herpes - Lips - About FACE - ERUPTIONS – impetigo / - ERUPTIONS - Beard - folliculitis FACE - ERUPTIONS – Lips FACE – ERYSIPELAS FACE – EXPRESSION / - - anxious / - - cold, distant / - - distressed / - - fierce / - - foolish / - - frightened / - - old looking - sallow, wrinkled / - - sleepy / FACE – CHLOROTIC / FACE – HIPPOCRATIC / FACE - RISUS sardonicus / FACE - SUNKEN FACE – FRECKLES FACE - HAIR - falling of hair – Eyebrows [Synthesis] / EYE - HAIR falling from brows [Kent] FACE – HEAT FACE - HEAT - one side FACE - HEAT - one side - other side; with coldness of [Synthesis] / - HEAT - burning - redness of left side; and / - HEAT - cold - Cheek cold and red, the other hot and pale; one / - COLDNESS - one side - other hot and pale; one side cold and red / FACE - HEAT - cold - Side cold, the other hot; one [Synthesis] FACE - HEAT - cold - Feet, with / EXTREMITIES - COLDNESS - Feet - heat; with - Face; of [Kent] FACE - HEAT - cold – Hands / EXTREMITIES - COLDNESS - Hands - heat; with - Face; of FACE - HEAT - cold – Limbs / EXTREMITIES - COLDNESS - heat; with - Face; of FACE - HEAT – flushes / - HEAT - flushes - menopause; during / GENERALS - HEAT - flushes of - menopause; during FACE – INFLAMMATION / FACE - INFLAMMATION - Parotid glands / FACE - SWELLING - Parotid glands / FACE - INFLAMMATION - Parotid glands – mumps [Synthesis] FACE - INFLAMMATION - Parotid glands - metastasis to – Testes / MALE GENITALIA/SEX - SWELLING - Testes - mumps, from FACE – ITCHING FACE – LOCKJAW / (- TRISMUS) FACE - NUMBNESS – Lips FACE – PAIN FACE - PAIN - Nerves - Trigeminal neuralgia [Synthesis] FACE – PARALYSIS / FACE - PARALYSIS - one side FACE - PARALYSIS - cold; from / - PARALYSIS - riding in the wind FACE - PARALYSIS - Mouth drop; corners of - saliva runs out; and / MOUTH - SALIVATION - sleep - during - agg. FACE – PERSPIRATION / FACE - PERSPIRATION – cold FACE - PICKING – Lips FACE - SADDLE across the nose FACE – SWELLING / FACE - SWELLING – toothache FACE - SWELLING - Eyes – Above / FACE - SWELLING - Eyes – Around / FACE - SWELLING - Eyes – Under FACE - SWELLING - Glands in general / - SWELLING - Submaxillary glands FACE - TENSION of skin - egg white were dried on the face; as if / FACE - COBWEB - sensation of / FACE - HAIR - sensation of a FACE – TWITCHING / FACE - TWITCHING – Lips FACE – ULCERS FACE – WARTS / FACE - WARTS – Chin FACE - WASH in cold water, desire to / GENERALS - BATHING - Face; bathing - amel. FACE - WRINKLED – Forehead / FACE – SHRIVELLED / MIND - FROWN, disposed to Clínica: Acné vulgar (comedones, pápulas, pústulas, nódulos, quistes y cicatrices), impétigo, dermatitis seborreica, epitelioma basocelular, parálisis facial Senos paranasales HEAD - PAIN – catarrhal FACE - PAIN – Sinuses [Synthesis] GENERALS - HISTORY; personal - sinusitis; of recurrent [Synthesis] GENERALS - INFLAMMATION - Sinuses; of [Synthesis] Senos frontales HEAD - PAIN - Forehead - Frontal sinuses [Synthesis] HEAD - PAIN - Forehead - Frontal sinuses - coryza; from chronic HEAD - PAIN - Forehead - Frontal sinuses - mental exertion; after [Synthesis] NOSE - CATARRH - extending to - Frontal sinuses [Kent] / NOSE - CATARRH - followed by - Frontal sinuses; complaints of [Synthesis] / GENERALS - INFLAMMATION - Sinuses; of [Synthesis] NOSE - CORYZA - extending to – Frontal sinuses [Kent] / NOSE - CORYZA - followed by - Frontal sinuses; complaints of [Synthesis] NOSE - FULLNESS, sense of - sinuses; from inflammation of frontal HEAD - HEAVINESS - Forehead - Frontal sinuses FACE - PAIN - Sinuses – Frontal [Synthesis] Dolores supraorbitarios HEAD - PAIN - Forehead - Eyes – Above / - PAIN - Forehead - Eyes - Above - right / - PAIN - Forehead - Eyes - Above - left [Synthesis] HEAD - PAIN - boring pain - Forehead - Eyes – Over [Kent] Senos maxilares (antro de Highmore) FACE - PAIN - Sinuses – Maxillary [Synthesis] NOSE - CATARRH - extending to – Antrum [Kent] / NOSE - CATARRH - followed by - Antrum; complaints of [Synthesis] NOSE - CATARRH - followed by - Maxillary sinuses; complaints of [Synthesis] FACE - PAIN - Eyes – Below (dolor infraorbitario) Dolores en huesos malares FACE - PAIN - Malar bones [Synthesis] FACE - PAIN – Zygoma [Synthesis] FACE - PAIN – Bones [Synthesis] FACE - PULSATION - Malar bones Senos etmoidales NOSE - PAIN – Root [Synthesis] HEAD - PAIN - Forehead - Eyes – Between EYE - PAIN - Between eye and nose EYE - PAIN - Between the eyes FACE - PAIN - Sinuses – Ethmoidal [Synthesis] Clínica: Sinusitis
Apuntes para el Máster de Homeopatía de Barcelona, 2007-8.

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