

Síntomas: crup, laringitis y traqueítis, laringismo, moco, dolor, irritación, edema de la glotis, sensaciones (constricción, hormigueo, polvo, cuerpo extraño, aspereza, cosquilleo,…), aclarar la laringe; alteraciones de la voz (ronquera, afonía,…),… Localizaciones: Hueco de la garganta, epiglotis, vías aéreas, cartílagos de la laringe, glotis, cuerdas vocales Rúbricas (selección): LARYNX AND TRACHEA - CANCER – Larynx LARYNX AND TRACHEA – CATARRH LARYNX AND TRACHEA - COLD sensation LARYNX AND TRACHEA – CONSTRICTION LARYNX AND TRACHEA - CONSTRICTION – Larynx / - LARYNGISMUS stridulus / (- SPASMS – Glottis) LARYNX AND TRACHEA – CROUP LARYNX AND TRACHEA – DRYNESS LARYNX AND TRACHEA - FOREIGN body; sensation of a – Larynx /- CRUMB in larynx; sensation of a / - DUST, as from / - FEATHER; sensation of a – Larynx [Synthesis] / - FLESH hanging in larynx, sensation of / - HAIR in trachea; sensation of a / - LEAF closing up trachea, like a / - LUMP; sensation of a - Larynx, in / - PLUG – Larynx / - SKIN in larynx; sensation of a [Kent] / - MEMBRANE - sensation of - skin; sensation of [Synthesis]/ - VELVETY sensation LARYNX AND TRACHEA - FOOD drops into larynx / - LIQUIDS pass into larynx LARYNX AND TRACHEA - INFLAMMATION – Larynx / - INFLAMMATION – Trachea LARYNX AND TRACHEA - IRRITATION - Air passages / - IRRITATION – Larynx / - IRRITATION – Trachea LARYNX AND TRACHEA - MUCUS - Air passages, in the / - MUCUS - Larynx - ejected with difficulty LARYNX AND TRACHEA - EDEMA – Glottis LARYNX AND TRACHEA – PAIN LARYNX AND TRACHEA - PARALYSIS – Larynx LARYNX AND TRACHEA – ROUGHNESS LARYNX AND TRACHEA - SCRAPING, clearing larynx LARYNX AND TRACHEA - SUPPORTS larynx on coughing [Kent] / - PAIN - Larynx - cough agg.; during - grasps the larynx [Synthesis] LARYNX AND TRACHEA - TICKLING - Air passages / - TICKLING - Larynx, in LARYNX AND TRACHEA – VOICE / - VOICE – hoarseness / - VOICE - hoarseness - coryza – during / - VOICE - hoarseness - overuse of the voice / - VOICE – lost / - VOICE - lost - singers
Clínica: Disnea laríngea (crup, traqueítis, laringitis) RESPIRACIÓN
Síntomas: acelerada, ansiosa, apnea, asfixia, asmática, dificultosa, jadeo, suspirosa, estertorosa, sibilante, pitos; roncar. Rúbricas (selección): RESPIRATION – ACCELERATED RESPIRATION – ANXIOUS RESPIRATION – ARRESTED RESPIRATION - ARRESTED - night / - ARRESTED - sleep - during - agg. / RESPIRATION - IMPEDED, obstructed - night RESPIRATION – ASPHYXIA / - ASPHYXIA - children, newborns RESPIRATION – ASTHMATIC RESPIRATION – DEEP / - DEEP - amel. / - DEEP – imposible RESPIRATION – DIFFICULT / - DIFFICULT – expiration / - DIFFICULT – inspiration / - DIFFICULT - lying - agg. / - - lying - head low; with the - agg. RESPIRATION - DIFFICULT - fanned, wants to be / GENERALS - FANNED; being - desire to be [Synthesis] RESPIRATION - DIFFICULT - lying - knees and elbows; on - amel. / - - sitting - bent forward - amel. / - - sitting - bent forward - amel. - elbows resting on knees / GENERALS - LYING - knee elbow position - amel. [Synthesis] RESPIRATION - DIFFICULT - open - doors and windows open; wants / GENERALS - COLD - air - amel. - windows open; must have [Synthesis] RESPIRATION - DIFFICULT - clothes - loosening clothes - amel. [Synthesis] RESPIRATION - IMPEDED, obstructed RESPIRATION – IRREGULAR RESPIRATION – LOUD RESPIRATION – MOANING RESPIRATION – PANTING / RESPIRATION – GASPING RESPIRATION – RATTLING / - RATTLING - old people RESPIRATION – SIGHING / MIND – SIGHING RESPIRATION – SLOW RESPIRATION – SNORING RESPIRATION – STERTOROUS / - STERTOROUS - puffing expiration, with / - STERTOROUS - sleep agg.; during RESPIRATION - STRIDULOUS RESPIRATION – WHEEZING / RESPIRATION - WHISTLING Clínica: Asma, EPOC, Síndrome de apnea del sueño y roncopatía TOS
Síntomas: horario de la tos, modalidades de agr. y mej., síntomas concomitantes y alternantes, sensaciones o molestias que la provocan (cosquilleo, aspereza, dolor, irritación, picor, sequedad,…); perturbaciones del sueño por la tos,…; tipos de tos: asmática, perruna, sofocante, continua, crupal, seca, agotadora, blanda, nerviosa, paroxística, corta, espasmódica, tos ferina,… Rúbricas (selección): Agravaciones horarias (COUGH – DAYTIME / - MORNING / - FORENOON / - NOON / - AFTERNOON / - EVENING / - NIGHT) COUGH - NIGHT - waking from the cough / COUGH - SLEEP - wakens from / COUGH - DRY - sleep – disturbing / SLEEP - WAKING - cough, from COUGH - AIR – cold / COUGH - AIR; IN OPEN - agg. / COUGH - WIND; in Agravaciones mentales/emocionales (COUGH - ANGER; after / - VEXATION; after / – GRIEF / - MORTIFICATION; from / – COMPANY / - CONSOLATION agg. / - EMOTIONS agg. [Synthesis] / – EXCITEMENT / - HAPPY surprise; from a [Synthesis] / – NERVOUS / - STRANGERS - sight of; at - children; in / – SYMPATHETIC / - THINKING of it agg. / - TIMIDITY agg. [Synthesis]) COUGH – ASTHMATIC COUGH – BARKING COUGH - BATHING - agg. COUGH – CHOKING / COUGH – SUFFOCATIVE COUGH - COLD - drinks - agg. / - COLD - drinks - amel. / COUGH - DRINKING - after COUGH - COLD; BECOMING - agg. / COUGH - UNCOVERING - agg. COUGH – CONSTANT / COUGH - PERSISTENT COUGH - CONSTRICTION; from - Larynx; in COUGH – DEEP COUGH – DRY / - DRY - evening - loose in morning / - DRY - night - loose by day COUGH - DRY - tickling, from - Larynx; in / COUGH - TICKLING - Larynx; in / COUGH - HACKING - tickling in larynx, from COUGH - DRYNESS, from - Larynx; in COUGH - DUST, as from / COUGH - FOREIGN body; sensation of a - Larynx; in COUGH - EATING - agg. COUGH - EXERTION - agg. COUGH – EXHAUSTING COUGH – HACKING COUGH – HOARSE COUGH - HOLD - chest with both hands; while coughing must hold / CHEST - PAIN - holds chest with hands during cough COUGH – HOLLOW COUGH - INSPIRATION agg. COUGH - IRRITATION; from - Air passages; in COUGH - LAUGHING agg. COUGH – LOOSE COUGH - LYING - agg. / COUGH - SIT UP, must COUGH - LYING DOWN agg. COUGH - MEASLES – after COUGH - MOTION - agg. COUGH – MUCUS COUGH – PAROXYSMAL COUGH – RACKING COUGH – RATTLING COUGH - RISING - agg. COUGH - SCRAPING - Larynx; in COUGH – SHORT COUGH - SLEEP – disturbing / - SLEEP - during - agg. / - SLEEP - preventing COUGH – SPASMODIC COUGH - TALKING - agg. COUGH – TICKLING / - TICKLING - Larynx; in COUGH – TORMENTING / COUGH – DISTRESSING COUGH - TOUCHED; from being - ear canal; at the / - TOUCHED; from being - larynx agg.; slightly at the COUGH – VIOLENT COUGH - WAKING; on / COUGH - MORNING - waking; on COUGH - WARM - room - agg. / - ROOM agg. / - CELLARS, air of / - AIR; IN OPEN - amel. COUGH - WARM - room - entering a warm room; when - air; from open COUGH - WARM - room - entering a warm room; when - cold air; from - or vice versa COUGH - COLD - air - entering cold air from a warm room agg. COUGH - WARM; BECOMING - agg. / - WARM; BECOMING - bed; in - agg. COUGH – WHOOPING Clínica: Tos, tos ferina EXPECTORACIÓN
Síntomas: horario, modalidades de agr. y mej.; tipos: esputo hemoptoico, mucoso, purulento,…(según aspecto, consistencia y coloración); sabor del esputo,…(orden alfabético único). Rúbricas (selección): Agravaciones horarias (EXPECTORATION - DAYTIME only/ - MORNING / - FORENOON / - NOON / - AFTERNOON / - EVENING / - NIGHT) EXPECTORATION – ACRID Forma y aspecto (EXPECTORATION - BALLS, in shape of / - CHEESE, like / THROAT - HAWKS up cheesy lumps / - FROTHY / - LUMPY / - MUCOUS / - STARCH, like / - TRANSPARENT) Consistencia (EXPECTORATION - GELATINOUS / - HARD / - STRINGY / - THICK / - THIN / - TOUGH / - VISCID / - WATERY / - WHITE – albuminous) Coloración (EXPECTORATION – BLACKISH / – BLOODY / EXPECTORATION - BLOODY – streaked / - BROWNISH / - GRAYISH / - GREENISH / - WHITE / - YELLOW) EXPECTORATION – COPIOUS / EXPECTORATION - SCANTY EXPECTORATION – DIFFICULT / - EASY / - HAWKED up, mucus / EXPECTORATION - SWALLOW what has been loosened; must EXPECTORATION – ODOR / - ODOR – offensive EXPECTORATION – PURULENT EXPECTORATION - TASTE
PECHO Síntomas: cardiopatías (aneurisma, angina de pecho, hipertrofia, degeneración grasa, endocarditis, pericarditis, edema pulmonar,…), patología mamaria (mastitis, nódulos, tumores y neoplasias,…), neumopatías (enfisema, empiema, hepatización pulmonar, neumotórax, neumonía, pleuritis, tuberculosis,…), sensaciones, bronquitis, hemoptisis; alteraciones de la secreción láctea; afecciones cutáneas de tórax, axilas, mamas y pezones; dolor en el pecho (pleural, precordial, mamario, esternal, costal, pulmonar, músculo-esquelético, torácico,…); palpitaciones,… Localizaciones: Axilas, pulmones y pleura, mamas y pezones, corazón, válvulas cardíacas y grandes vasos (aorta, arterias), pericardio, región precordial, clavículas y regiones clavicular e infraclavicular, esternón, hemitórax derecho e izquierdo, tórax anterior y posterior, mitad del tórax, bases y ápices de ambos hemitórax, diafragma y región diafragmática, costillas (cortas, bajas) y cartílagos costales, adenopatías axilares, músculos pectorales e intercostales, espacios intercostales, zona inframamaria, debajo del brazo. Rúbricas (selección): CHEST – ABSCESS / CHEST - EMPYEMA CHEST - ANGINA pectoris / – CONSTRICTION / - CONSTRICTION - Heart/ - PAIN – Heart / - PAIN – cramping / - PAIN - Heart – cramping / - SPASMS of CHEST - ANXIETY in / CHEST - ANXIETY in - Heart, region of CHEST – CATARRH CHEST - CEASES to beat; as if heart CHEST - CLOTHING agg. CHEST – COLDNESS CHEST – CONGESTION / CHEST - ORGASM of blood CHEST – DISCOLORATION / CHEST - CYANOSIS CHEST – DROPSY / - CONSTRICTION - hydrothorax, in / - EDEMA; PULMONARY CHEST - EMPHYSEMA CHEST – ERUPTIONS CHEST – FLUTTERING / CHEST - TREMBLING – Heart CHEST – HEAT CHEST - HEMORRHAGE of lungs CHEST - INFLAMMATION - Bronchial tubes / - INFLAMMATION - Bronchial tubes – Bronchioles [Synthesis] / - INFLAMMATION - Heart – Endocardium / - INFLAMMATION - Heart – Pericardium / - INFLAMMATION - Lungs CHEST - MURMURS - cardiac murmurs / - MURMURS - cardiac murmurs – valvular [Synthesis] / CHEST – OPPRESSION CHEST – PAIN CHEST - PALPITATION of heart / - PALPITATION of heart - anxiety – with / - PALPITATION of heart - excitement; after / - PALPITATION of heart – irregular / - PALPITATION of heart - sleep - going to sleep; on - agg. /- PALPITATION of heart - vexation agg. CHEST – PERSPIRATION / - PERSPIRATION – Axillae CHEST - PHTHISIS pulmonalis CHEST - SWELLING - Axillae - Glands Clínica: Bronquitis, Neumonía, Angina de pecho, Arritmias Mamas CHEST - ABSCESS - Mammae CHEST - BLEEDING - Mammae – Nipples CHEST - CANCER – Mammae CHEST - CRACKS - Mammae - Nipples CHEST - ERYSIPELAS of mammae CHEST - EXCORIATION - Mammae - Nipples CHEST - INDURATION – Mammae CHEST - INFLAMMATION – Mammae CHEST - INVERSION - Nipples; of [Synthesis] / CHEST - RETRACTION of nipples CHEST - MAMMAE; complaints of [Synthesis] / CHEST - MAMMAE; complaints of – Nipples [Synthesis] CHEST – MILK / - MILK - child refuses mother's milk / GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - milk - aversion - mother's milk - child refuses / - MILK – disappearing / - MILK - pregnancy; in women when not related to / - MILK – suppressed / - MILK - suppressed - remedies to suppress milk flow [Synthesis] CHEST - NODULES, sensitive – Mammae CHEST - PAIN - Mammae - menses - before - agg. CHEST - SWELLING – Mammae CHEST - TUMORS – Mammae CHEST - ULCERS – Mammae / CHEST - ULCERS - Mammae – Nipples Clínica: Mastitis, Cáncer de mama, Problemas de la lactancia materna
Apuntes para el Máster de Homeopatía de Barcelona, 2007-8.

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