
Homeopathy in veterinary practice

The advantages of the analysis of results in veterinary practice are various. The environment where animals are living can be considered as stable and very similar for all the animals considered. Studies on large animal cohorts are easier to realise than for human. A double-blind design is easier to be obtained. Placebo effects are minimize.

Of course the number of surveys is still few, but for two diagnoses, sufficient studies are published and reproduced; a “level of evidence I” could be obtained very soon.

These two considered diagnoses are infertility in cows (162, 163). These two problems have important consequences for public health; antibiotics (normally prescribed for mastitis) can be found, as residues, in the food chain.
Therefore, the milk produced must be destroyed; the economic consequences for the sector are very important. Moreover, homeopathic treatment is the only one authorized by the European authorities in the framework of biological breeding.

Other results are coming from another farming activity: chickens are very sensitive to stress, when stressed, they are picking each other resulting in important losses in the production (164). The same happens for turkeys, they are very sensitive to haematomas caused by shocks during transportation. This problem can be reduced with 30% with homeopathic treatment. The problem of regulation of sexual hormones of sows in farms (165) is important for the farmer and for the cost in pig production; homeopathy can offer a solution without “ethical” problem or risks for the consumers.

This type of research will be extended in the coming years.

(159) Aslan S, Findik M, Kalender H, Celebi M, Izkür H, Handler J (2000). Verbesserung der postpartalen
Fertilität von Kühen durch Pulsatilla miniplex (Improvement of cows by Pulsatilla miniplex). Wiener
Tierärztliche Monatsschrift 87:359-362.
(160) Sekular PS, Dakshinder NP, Sarode DB, Rode AM, Kothedar MD (2000). Evaluation of homeopathic
drugs in hypogalactia of cows. Indian Veterinary Journal 77:813-814.
(161) Williamson AV, Mackie WL, Crawford WJ, Rennie B (1991). A study using Sepia 200c given
prophylactically postpartum to prevent anoestrus problems in dairy cows. British Homeopathic Journal,
(162) Searcy R, Reyes O, Guajardo G (1995). Control of subclinical bovine mastitis. Utilization of a
homeopathic combination. British Homeopathic Journal 84:67-70.
(163) Varshney JP, Naresh R (2005). Comparative efficacy of homeopathic and allopathic systems of
medicine in the management of clinical mastitis of Indian dairy cows. Homeopathy, 94:81-85.
(164) Filliat C. Particularité de l´utilisation de l´homéopathie en production avicole. Annals of the
“Entretiens Internationaux de Monaco 2002”, 5-6 October 2002. http://www.giriweb.com.
(165) Riaucourt A. L´Exemple de la Filière Porcine. Annals of the “Entretiens Internationaux de Monaco
2002”, 5-6 October, 2002. http://www.giriweb.com.

Examples of recent (2006-2009) veterinary homeopathic publications:

(166) Chaudhuri S, Varshney JP. Clinical management of babesiosis in dogs with homeopathic Crotalus horridus 200C versus allopathy. Homeopathy. 2007;96:90-94.
(167) Varshney JP. Clinical management of idiopathic epilepsy in dogs with homeopathic Belladonna 200
C: A case series. Homeopathy. 2007;46-48.
(168) Lira-Salazar G, Marines-Montiel E, Torres-Monzon J, Hernandez-Hernandez F, Salas-Benito JS.
Effects of homeopathic medications Eupatorium perfoliatum and Arsenicum album on parasitemia of
Plasmodium berghei-infected mice (Malaria). Homeopathy. 2006;95:223-228.
(169) Rajkumar R, Srivastava SK, Yadav MC, Varshney VP, Varshney JP, Kumar H. Effect of a
Homeopathic complex on oestrus induction and hormonal profile in anoestrus cows. Homeopathy.
(170) Berchieri A, Turco WCP, Paiva JB, Oliviera GH, Sterzo EV. Evaluation of isopathic treatment of
Salmonella enteritidis in poultry. Homeopathy. 2006;95:94-97.
Aboutboul R. Snake remedies and eosinophilic granuloma complex in cats. Homeopathy. 2006;95:15-19.

(2008 – 63rd LMHI congress’ proceedings)
Magnani P, Conforti A, Bellavite P. Effects of homeopathic drugs on the anxiety-like behaviour in
mice. Blind design, Diazepam and placebo controlled./
Boujedaini N. Action de Gelsemium sempervirens sur la synthèse d’allopregnanolone. Blind design
versus placebo./
Castilhos. Effect of the Arnica Montana 200CH followed by Medicago Sativa 6CH and Calcarea
Phosphorica 6CH usage in the feed consumption and weight gains of goat weaned kids. Double-blind
placebo controlled trial./
Weber S, Endler PC, Welles SV, Suanjak-Traidl E, Scherer-Pongratz W, Frass M, Spranger H,
Peithner G, Lothaller H. Thyroxine 30X, Electromagnetic field influence (microwave, mobile phone,
x-ray) and highland frogs. Multi-centric, blinded controlled study on 2980 animals./
Payen L. The effect of the homeopathic drug PVB® Phytolac in mastitis of cows. Preventive doubleblind
design on 187 cows./
Issautier. Prevention of cold-intolerance in Guinea Fowl by homeopathic treatment and analysis of itsRedacta
effects. Single-blind study on 10.640 animals, homeopathy versus allopathy./
Peychev L. Changes in rat’s learning and memory after a long treatment with four homeopathic
medicines. Placebo-controlled study on 130 animals./
Sommer MA, Blaha T. Epidemiological investigations on the use of homeopathic remedies in swine
under special consideration of the comparison of homeopathic and antimicrobial therapies. Open study
including 36 sows./
Zalla Neto R, Bonamin LV. Lymphoid response and granuloma development in mice inoculated with 
BCG and treated with Thymulin in homeopathic preparations.

(171) Soto FRM & all. A randomized controlled trial of homeopathic treatment of weaned piglets in a
commercial swine herd. Homeopathy. 2008;97:202-205.
(172) Zacharias F & all. Effect of homeopathic medicines on helminth parasitism and resistance of
Haemonchus contortus infected sheep. Homeopathy. 2008;97:145-151.

Author: Dr. Michel Van Wassenhoven. LMHI and ECH secretary for research. November 2009.
Chapter VIII of the booklet Scientific Framework of Homeopathy - Evidence Based Homeopathy.

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