
Stunning Cuban Experiences on Leptospirosis

An unprecedented research study has been done using homeopathic prophylaxis in Cuba on 2.4 million people to prevent the usual Leptospirosis outbreak after tropical flooding. Only 10 cases were reported after use of the homeopathic nosode instead of the usual several thousand cases of Leptospirosis.
On 10-12 December 2008 at the ‘Nosodes 2008’ conference in Havana (Cuba) the director-general of the Finlay Institute, an advocate of homeopathy herself, Dr. Concepción Campa Huergo, gave a presentation about controlling the local epidemic disease of Leptospirosis by using a Leptospira nosode.
Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by the spirochaete Leptospira transmitted to humans from rats. In humans it may cause a wide range of symptoms including high fever, severe headache, chills, muscle aches, vomiting, jaundice, red eyes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or a rash. If the disease is not treated, the patient could develop kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure, and respiratory distress. Cuba goes through a yearly cycle of Leptospirosis epidemic, especially after the hurricanes flood the countryside and water pollution reaches its height. Many people are left homeless, flooded out and under the stress of disaster situation.
A part of the Ministry of Public Health, the Finlay Institute is the Cuban research institute. It has WHO qualified facilities, produces allopathic vaccinations and acts as supporting institution for research, production and development of high quality homeopathic products. Since Cuba is outcast by the USA government, the Cubans have come to depend on themselves for the production of medicines, health care programs, etc. And since they have no pharmaceutical multi-nationals to stop them, they were able to conduct the leptospirosis project on a massive scale unknown in the history of homeopathy.
On October November 2007, three provinces of the eastern region of Cuba were affected by heavy rainfalls causing floods of big areas and damage to sanitary and health systems. The risk of leptospirosis infection was raised to extremely dangerous levels with about 2 million people exposed to potentially contaminated water.
Considering this situation, the Finlay Institute prepared a leptospira nosode 200 CH using 4 circulating strains and following international quality standards. A multidisciplinary team travelled to the affected regions to conduct the massive administration of the nosode. Coordinated action with public health system infrastructures allowed the administration of a preventive treatment consisting in two doses (7- 9 days apart) of the nosode to about 2,4 million people (4,8 million of doses). The coverage of the intervention rose up to 95% percent of total population of the three provinces at risk. Another dose, at a higher potency (10M), was given after the hurricane Ike hit the island.
The epidemiology surveillance after the intervention showed a dramatic decrease of morbidity two weeks after and a reduction to zero mortality of hospitalized patients. The number of confirmed leptospirosis cases remained at low levels and below the expected levels according with the trends and rain regimens. The usual expectancy of infection even with allopathic vaccination would have been around a few thousand, with some deaths included.
The costs of the leptospirosis project were US$ 200,000, whereas the costs of ‘normal’ vaccination, only for the most at-risk populations, ie children, pregnant women, and the elderly, are about US$3,000.000.
What is remarkable is their application to such a large population, and its dramatic success, with full scientific verification. This experience could be extended to other diseases and other countries. The Finlay Institute is offering their facilities and specialists to spread this alternative to all regions needing emergent alternatives for epidemic control and prevention.
Source: E.C.H. Newsletter Spring 2009

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