
Serious attack on homoeopathy! Please help!

My homoeopathic friends, In the past few days the Tanzanian AIDS project and I have become the target of the "anti homoeopathy" attackers in the UK. They have posted on both my blog, the "gimpyblog" http://gimpyblog.wordpress.com/ and others with inflammatory speculation and erroneous conclusions about the Homoeopathy AIDS project. We would like to bring this to the attention of the larger homoeopathic community. As many of you know, there has been an ongoing campaign to discredit and annihilate homoeopathy in the UK by posting false information and unfounded and inflammatory opinions. Their battlefield has now expanded to Tanzania. In the attacks on the Tanzanian AIDS project they took parts of my blog and previous interviews from my website archives and contrived a story in order to further their desire to malign homoeopathy. They allege that I am persuading patients to use homoeopathy in place of ARVs, which is totally untrue. They claim that any research of homoeopathy is unethical as there is no proof that homoeopathy works. They even went so far as to claim that my treating AIDS patients in Tanzania with homoeopathy will lead to mass murder. These accusations are not only malicious, they are libelous. Their tactics were not confined to regurgitation their thoughts online. One follower even phoned a UK organization that supports the AIDS project and also contacted UK and Tanzanian government officials, claiming that there was an 'unethical' project taking place. I am urging the global homoeopathic community to rise up in solidarity. This is a tiny but dedicated faction who uses the internet blogs and the media to amplify their spurious attacks. They have stated that they are determined to kill homoeopathy. They have had negative impact on the availability of homoeopathy in the UK and are responsible for the closing of homoeopathy hospitals and clinics as a direct consequence of their campaign. Here are some ways to show your support for the work of all homoeopaths worldwide and for the Tanzanian AIDS clinic. 1. MEET THEM ON THEIR OWN GROUND: Flood their blogs http://gimpyblog.wordpress.com/ with posts on the benefits of homeopathy, using examples of your own experiences. They can argue endlessly about the theory, but what do they say to the hundreds of thousands of people who have had improved health? 2. USE THE INTERNET TO AMPLIFY HOMOEOPATHY'S VOICE. Go to my blog and post your supportive comments on http://www.jeremysjournalfromafrica.blogspot.com/ Let anyone visiting the blog see the overwhelming support for this project and homoeopathy in general. To learn more about the project, see my website http://www.dynamis.edu/ 3. PUT A STOP TO THESE ATTACKS. Homoeopathy is our beloved profession, our mission in life. Respond vigorously to any attempts to intimidate practitioners or to denigrate your passion to bring our gentle healing to others, wherever they may live. Meanwhile, I am returning to Tanzania to continue treating AIDS patients. In my first six weeks I have treated 100 AIDS patients with very promising results. We have a clinic administrator in the north where a high percent of the people have AIDS and where there are very few medical institutions. The situation is worse than I could ever have imagined, worse than anything shown on television or written in books. The patients are eager to use homoeopathy and I am eager to help them. I and my colleagues are fully committed to establishing a treatment, teaching and research center in Tanzania. This is homoeopathy's chance to shine. Please join us! Please pass this message on to fellow homoeopaths. RESPONSE POSTED ON http://www.jeremysjournalfromafrica.blogspot.com/ The Inquisition How predictable; the Pharmaceutical Inquisition have discovered my site and they are squawking away in a hysterical frenzy. I take this as a compliment and thank them for the publicity. Alas, the pharma-inquisition has a nasty little habit of nit picking other peoples blogs as if they were a scientific document, misstating issues, taking them out of context and amplifying them into a malevolent distortion of truth. For their benefit I will STATE THE FACTS CLEARLY: 1. We have never offered, advertised, advocated or suggested homoeopathy as an alternative to ARVs to any AIDS patients in Tanzania or elsewhere. Not one patient has BEEN PERSUADED TO STOP or has been prevented from taking conventional medication as a result of our treatment. Most of the patients I treat are currently on ARVs. All patients have received prior medical advice. Any suggestion to the contrary is pure fabrication, as well as libelous. 2. At this time I am not involved in any homoeopathic research in Tanzania or elsewhere. I very much hope to undertake some research but as yet there is no proposal, so that anything I have written in my blog is my personal musing on the subject and not a research proposal. As far as I know musing is still legal and ethical. 3. Any research I may undertake will be subject to rigorous ethical review of the highest standard. 4. In the event that there is research, there would be no suggestion or pressure on patients to use homoeopathy. Or to stop ARVs. This should be obvious as this it is standard procedure in a research trial to prevent bias. I hope that is clear enough. I have no doubt the pharma-inquisition will try to take this apart too. They just can't help it. Quite sad. I regret having to spend time dealing with prejudiced dinosaurs who regurgitate what they already believe in from the safety of their anonymous blogs. I would much rather spend my time treating those who need help and choose homoeopathy, or at the least discuss things with open minded people who are not stuck in the Dark Ages. Source: email letter from Jeremy Sherr. More info about the project Homoeopathy for AIDS in Africa

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