- REMEDY: Name (commonly used in Homoeopathy)
- Code number
- Scientific names
- Synonyms
- Abbreviations
- Source(s): Botanical, Mineral, Animal, Human, Energetic or electro-magnetic
- Composition 1. Analysis technology 2. analysis of mother tincture or prime stock
- Manufacturing technical requisites 1. –requisites and technique of collection of the crude material 2. –conditions of storage 3. –preparation of the mother tincture or prime stock 4. –quality control
- Toxicology and its symptoms
- History and traditional therapeutic use
- Qualitative classification of the symptoms 1. First proving: probability of proposed symptoms 2. Confirming provings of probable symptoms with references from a. Hanhnemann.- Materia Medica Pura & Chronic Diseases b. Timothy Allen.- Encyclopedia of Materia Medica Pura c. Hughes and Dake 3. Clinical verifications of proved symptoms references from a. Hering Guiding Symptoms and others 4. Clinical symptoms (not proved) references from Repertories Kent, Boenninghausen, Synthesis, References Work, etc.
- Illustrating clinical cases
- Comments and speculative considerations by different authors: as Kent, Ortega, Candegabe, Dhawale, Kanjilal, Masi, themes, chineese, Reves, etc.
- Psychology, Myths, Possible meanings, essences, etc.
- Completed Bibliography: repertories Kent, Boenninghausen, Lippe, Radar, Mac Repertory, etc. With pages and paragraph references for each information with author’s and editor’s references.
- With mention of the languages
- Localisation of the document’s, archive’s and proving’s primary documents and documentation
- For the present time what are the computerised documents, where are they and their accessibility ?
Homeopathy now / Homéopathie maintenant / Omeopatia adesso / Homöopathie jetzt / Homeopatia agora / Homeopatia ara / Homeopatia orain - Bitácora plurilingüe de salud y homeopatía, como una revista en crecimiento, dedicada a la salud, y a la homeopatía clásica, desde su uso tradicional hasta los métodos modernos. A multilingual homeopathic health blog, arranged as a cumulative growing journal, devoted to health matters, specially classical homeopathy, from traditional use to modern methods -
Dr. Isidre Lara i Llobet
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