
Casos clínicos de / Clinical cases of BOENNINGHAUSEN

El síntoma concomitante es a la Totalidad lo que la condición de agravación o mejoría es al síntoma aislado. Es el factor diferenciador. El síntoma único peculiar a veces confiere individualidad al grupo,…; pero el rasgo individualizante se encuentra más a menudo en alguna modalidad común a todos los síntomas del grupo. Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book, trad. T.F. Allen, introd. H. A. Roberts y Annie C. Wilson Caso Samb. de resfriado prolongado (The choice of the remedy en The Lesser Writings) Merchant Ph. M., thirty years of age, had caught a cold last winter while travelling; he did not at first pay any attention to it, but the increasing ailments demanded medical assistance. Treatment by an allopath had remained without effect; in fact, during this treatment, lasting three months, nearly all the symptoms had grown considerably worse, so that now, as is so frequently done, the homoeopath was called on for aid. The following symptoms formed the image of the disease: For the last three to four weeks there has been a hollow, dry cough with hoarseness and much toughness in the larynx, most violent during the night. Constriction of the chest with stitches in the left side while lying on that side. Internal heat, without thirst. Severe exhausting perspirations. Striking timidity. Great drowsiness, but restless sleep, waking up frequently, while an internal anxiety prevents him going to sleep again. The face pale and collapsed, with a circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Pressure in the stomach after eating, especially after milk, often with vomiting, first of the ingesta and then of gall. Augmented, watery urine. Extraordinary emaciation. He prefers warmth, and it agrees best with him. He feels better in moderate motion than in continuous rest. He had never been unwell much, and had never been actually sick. He could take a deep breath without any trouble, and frequently he felt impelled thereto. I could not find out anything about the allopathic remedies which he had used. After careful consideration and a protracted comparison of all the symptoms present with our Materia Medica, every homoeopath will agree with me that Phosphorus seemed most indicated of all the remedies, and this so decidedly that none of the other remedies could at all compete with it. I, therefore, felt no hesitation at all to give to the patient my usual dose (a high potency) of this very efficient remedy, and to direct its administration in the usual manner (dissolved in water), recommending to him the usual diet, and directing him to report to me in person in two weeks. But I was cruelly and painfully disappointed when the patient after this period appeared before me, for he was not improved in any respect; on the contrary, his sickly appearance and the threatening redness of the cheeks had increased and the feverish symptoms had been suspiciously augmented. In the meantime the remedy had been used exactly according to my directions, and nothing had been overlooked either in diet or in his mode of life. What then had been the reason of my total failure? Under such circumstances the only reason could be the defective or incorrect examination of the symptoms, so I went over them again carefully, one by one. The mistake then appeared in the feverish symptoms, which were only superficially indicated, and which in the patient had an unsual and, therefore, unrecognized form, which was at the same time very characteristic. For while sleeping he was suffering continually from a dry, burning heat, which on his waking up immediately passed into a very profuse perspiration, which continued without interruption while he was awake, until he fell asleep again, when at once the dry heat reappeared. Thus the conundrum was solved. This symptom is found only in Sambucus, while in Phosphorus just the opposite is found. Since all the other symptoms coincided my patient received at once a dose of the high potency I usually employ, and the result was then so complete that in two weeks he was freed from all his ailments and felt as well as ever before. Casos de fiebre tifoidea (16) (Typhoid fever and high potencies en The Lesser Writings). Muestra casos cortos: Caso Bry./Rhus-t./Puls. Anton Schl., in H., fifteen years old, son of the above, also infected with typhoid fever; for five days he has had colic, worse in the early morning; in the evening headache in the forehead increased by motion; much chill; deep-red face; aversion to meat; dry heat; cough in the morning with more expectoration; the stool normal; violent vertigo, so that he cannot stay up. March 23, 1853. 1, Bryonia 200; 2-4 §, every twenty-four hours. March 27. Improvement has set in; much sleep and in the evening in bed, headache; redness of the cheeks; dizziness in the head, worse in the evening; no more cough: 1, Rhus 200; 2-4, §, every other evening. April 3. Feels nothing more of his former ailment, not even weariness; he has an insatiable hunger. 1, Pulsatilla 200; 2, 4 §, every other evening. On the second day everything was normal. Caso Phos. Heinrich Schl., in H., four years old, also a little son of the former (No II.), also now took sick, but in a different way. For more than six days, every afternoon from three to six o' clock, severe, dry heat with violent thirst, but without any thirst, followed by a deep sleep; all night, delirium; he often asks for food, but rejects what is brought; sudden weariness and prostration; during the fever, great dyspnoea and strikingly hot breath; stool, soft; no nocturnal perspiration and generally dry, hot skin. June 12, 1853. 1, Phosphorus 200; 2, 4 §; once a day. Convalescence immediately followed and nothing else was needed. Caso Bry./Rhus-t./Kali-c. Heinrich D., in H., twenty-four years old (the brother of patient No. 1, who had died), was now also seized, but was not deterred by the death (caused by herself) of his sister from seeking aid from me. In the morning and forenoon, diarrhoea preceded by colic; pains in the head, neck and shoulder-blades, aggravated in the evening and from every movement; in the evening, a violent chill; little thirst by day, but more in the evening after lying down; at night, dreams and delirium. August 24, 1853. 1, Bryonia 200; 2, 4 §; every twenty-four hours. September 1. Incipient improvement. There is still colic, but less diarrhoea; sour-smelling perspiration; pain in the right arm and the right shoulder (about which I could find out no further particulars). 1, Rhus 200; 2, 4 §; every twenty-four hours. September 5. The pains in the right arm and shoulder are worse when he lies on them in bed; now there is also diarrhoea in the early morning and in the evening; thirst in the morning. 1, Kali carb. 200; 2, 4 §; every twenty-four hours. Followed by complete restoration. Caso Ph-ac./Ars. Francis C., in H., nineteen years old, has been unwell for several days, and had finally to lie down. First a chill, then dry heat with headache; excessive bloatedness and fullness of the abdomen; great dryness in the mouth, but without any considerable thirst; vomiting of water with a sour taste; at night and in the morning repeated diarrhoeic stools; no pains, but great weariness in all the limbs; while resting he feels tolerably easy, but every movement aggravates his condition. August 31, 1853. 1, Phosphor. ac. 200; 2, 4 §; 3, Arsenic.; every twenty-four hours. In four days he does not complain about anything, and is so far restored that on the fifth day he resumes his rural labors. Caso Ph-ac./Bell. Elizabeth Sohl, 21 years old, a servant-girl in St., has been sick for five days, no doubt infected by a typhoid patient whom she had nursed. In the beginning, violent pain in the limbs; these pains have now disappeared; dizziness in the head and vertigo, even so as to fall down, worst when she raises herself; deep redness of the face, much heat and perspiration, constant somnolent lying-down; slight deliria, like dreams with talking; in the evening, restlessness and throwing herself about in the bed without waking up; she does not complain about any pain when questioned. September 17, 1853. 1, Phosphor. ac.,; 2, 4 §; 3, Belladonna 200; every twenty-four hours. September 22. Quite restored, needs nothing more. Caso Sulph./Calc./Nux-v./Puls. Maria Anna L., in H., a country girl, eighteen years old, has been complaining for four days about the usual incipient symptoms of typhoid fever, and now, confined to bed, she presents the following symptoms: Violent headache in the evening, aggravated when raising up and from motion; vertigo and dizziness on raising herself up; pains in the limbs in the afternoon, worse when perspiring and resting; constant restlessness and change of position in bed, moderate thirst, tardy stool, sour taste of foods and even of milk; splenetic pains, aggravated when lying on the left side; much sleep; towards evening, aggravation. (The connoisseur will at once see that the ordinary remedies were not here suitable.) October 5. 1, Sulphur; 2, 4 §; 3, Calcarea 200; every twenty-four hours. October 9. Quite considerable improvement, but is still somewhat dizzy; pains in the limbs both when at rest and in motion, much thirst early in the morning and in the evening, sour after-taste after every meal. 1, Nux vom. 200; 2, 4 §; every twenty-four hours. October 13. Further improvement, but there are, pains in the limbs in the evening and while at rest; in the evening, after the fever, thirst; bitter after-taste after every meal. 1, Pulsat. 200; 2, 4 §; every twenty-four hours. October 17. Perfectly restored. (I have communicated this case in order to present a rare deviation from the usual symptoms of the disease and the remedies accordingly chosen, but also to indicate that the sour after-taste of food usually points to Nux vom., but the bitter to Pulsat. Casos traumáticos (40) (Traumatic ailments and high potencies en The Lesser Writings) Caso Alum. de conjuntivitis crónica (Aluminium metallicum en The Lesser Writings) I. Vol. XCII, p. 93, Cl. H., the wife of a merchant here, thirty-two years old, during her confinement in the summer of 1854, had an inflammation of the eyes, which, under allopathic treatment, turned into amaurosis, or gutta serena of the left eye, and it had also begun to show itself on the right eye, when my aid was invoked on July 20, 1855. In my journal I find the remark that the eyes are most darkened in the bright sunlight, and that even in the dark and during twilight she can only see enough to find her way alone on the street. She sees no colors, but everything is black and dark. At the same time she suffers from almost constant headache, worse in the evening and from motion. She is ill affected by pork, by all cabbage and by food causing flatulence. She easily perspires. Stool and menses are normal. She had continually used many remedies, especially also ointments, to which she ascribe the worst aggravation, but I could not learn their constituents. In order to save, if possible, at least, the right eye, I first gave Belladonna with the most decided success, then Conium, which acted also considerably on the left eye, and then again Belladonna, since clouds appeared again before the right eye, but which soon disappeared again. In the meantime she was again pregnant since the beginning of August and several attendant ailments required intermediate relief, while the eyes progressed in their improvement. In November she especially complained of a yellow spot before the eye when looking at anything white; this soon disappeared after a dose of Amm. carb. Toward the end of March, 1856, she was happily delivered of a healthy child, but some of the ailments usual with women in confinement set in which could, indeed, be quickly removed, but which again caused an aggravation of the eye-symptoms. These were improved by the use of Sulphur and Calcarea carb., but owing to manifold disturbances during the summer, producing toothache and stomach-troubles, and again demanding intermediate remedies, there was no satisfactory progress. This may have contributed to her following the advice of a relative, an allopathic doctor, so that she confided herself to his care. By giving her Coccinella, Nux vom., Ferrum and Magnesia powders in large doses, he made the poor woman stone-blind within six weeks, and she was brought back to me by her husband as a repentant sinner, since now all hope was gone. This occurred on Jan. 1, 1857. By consecutive doses of Sulphur, Calcarea, Caust. and Sepia her improvement had considerably advanced again by February 21, so that she could again go out without a guide. But her eyes were still very misty, the sleep disturbed by many dreams, and there was constipation and headache. On the day before, I had received from Mr. Lehrmann the preparations made from Aluminium metallicum, and I now gave her a dose of Alum. metal. 200, to be dissolved in six spoonfuls of water and to be taken three days in succession, well shaken, one spoonful in the morning and one in the evening. The effect exceeded all my expectations, the eyes had become as clear as before and also the concomitant ailments had all vanished. A second dose of Alum. met. 200, on March 2, continued the improvement in the same way, while she had again become pregnant. On the 12th of March Sulphur 200 and on the 20th of March again Alum. met. 200, whereby the eyes have now been altogether restored, and only the concomitants of pregnancy require to be attended to. Otros casos cortos de Alum. (4) (Aluminium metallicum – Case 1 en The Lesser Writings):
Caso Alum. de erupción en antebrazos (sintoma único) IV. Vol. LIV, p. 12. G. D., in L., a farmer's wife, still vigorous at the age of fifty-five years, who has been treated successfully by me before (1843) on account of an ailment of the stomach, has now been suffering for six weeks from a moist eruption on both forearms; to this yet had been added, by samearing and anointing (probably with Mercury), ulcers on these places. Also, the stomach, which up to that time had remained well, is disordered since two weeks, but I could get no further information from the messenger. Since we possess only a few remedies which cause a moist eruption only on the forearms, and Alumina among these stands in the front rank, I sent the woman, on March 7th of this year, a dose of Alum. met, 200, to be dissolved in six spoonfuls of water, a spoonful to be taken every morning and evening for three days, after stirring it well every time. On March 26th I heard the report that in the first days after taking the medicine the eruption had somewhat extended itself and become worse, but then it had quickly dried up, and a week afterwards had wholly disappeared. The ailment of the stomach also had vanished. Sulph. 200, to be taken in the same way. Since then I have heard nothing more from her. EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Forearms - moist Casos largos de tabes dorsalis (3) (Tabes dorsalis en The Lesser Writings) Casos cortos variados (12) (The use of high attenuations in homoeopathic practice en The Lesser Writings): Caso Sulph. de trastornos por erupción suprimida (Vol. 78, p. 225). C. W.-----, a girl, æt. 14, from the country. She is confined to bed, and has been in bad health for a year; she formerly suffered from an eruption on top of the head, which has been suppressed allopathically by ointments; since that time constant headache, with sickness, worse in the evening and when moving; pain in the hips, worse in evening and during motion; sickness after every meal; chilliness; no perspiration while in bed; a desire for salt; an aversion to milk; great weakness, so that she can scarcely bear being out of bed for a few moments. She was drugged allopathically for a long time without the least benefit. April 14th, 1851. -1, Sulphur 2m; 2, Sulphur 4m; 3 and 4, Sac. lac. A powder every fifth evening. 12th.-Considerably better. 1, Sulphur 6m; 2 to 4, Sac. lac. Take as formerly. This long suffering person is now in excellent health. Sulphur, in a high dynamization, was the only remedy used. Casos cortos variados (12) (Experience and the high potencies en The Lesser Writings) Casos cortos variados (4) (From a letter of councilor C. v. Boenninghausen in muenster to Dr. Stapf en The Lesser Writings):

Caso (Calc.) de epilepsia On the 23d of May, 1840, a robust young man, 23 years old, H. H. V., from Hanover, sought relief from me on account of epilepsy, with which he had been afflicted for five years. The attacks came on every four to five weeks. Before every attack he had a shaking and a bending of the left arm, losing his consciousness. After it headache and bilious vomiting. Even in halthy days, he frequently had to vomit after eating carrots, sour-krout or beans. He received one dose of Sulphur 30. and two doses of Calcarea 30. and between these two doses one dose of Lycop. 30. ; after this the attacks were intermittent till the end of October, when he got a sort of typhoid fever, which (owing to his distance from here) was treated allopathically. One dose of Calcarea 30. sufficed to remove this attack until April 17, 1841, when the use of liquor at a Kirmess again brought on a few attacks which were removed for another half year by a dose of Agar. musc. 30. and following it with another of Calcarea 30. Still his condition did not remain undisturbed permanently and I had to give him every five or six months either a dose of Calc. or Silic. 30. , according to circumstances. Finally he received on March 30, 1844, a dose of Silicea 200. , after which there set in for a week a violent aggravation, so that every day he had one or two unusually strong attacks, always worse in the night, and since then he has had no more attacks up to this time, as he himself informed me in November last, and through a neighbor a short time ago.
1 caso Bell./Sulph. de locura (Warning: the smallness of the dose en The Lesser Writings) Julia M., a girl from the country, fourteen years of age, has not yet menstruated, September 12, 1842. A month before she had slept in the sun. Four days after this sleeping in the sun she had the dreadful notion that she saw a wolf, and again six days later she felt as if she had received a severe stroke on her head. Now her mind wandered, she became as it were insane, wept much at times she had difficulty in her respiration, she spits out white phlegm, and could not describe her sensations. She received Belladonna: the dynamization being rendered milder in seven spoonfuls, after shaking this, one spoonful of this was put into a tumblerful of water, and after shaking this, one coffeespoonful was to be taken in the morning. September 16. Somewhat more quiet; she was able to blow her nose, which she could not do while insane; she still talks deliriously, but does not use so many gestures. Yesterday in the evening she wept much. Good stool. Pretty good sleep. She still moves around much; but this was much worse before receiving Belladonna. The white of the eye is full of reddish veins. She seems to have pain in the neck. From the tumbler into which a spoonful was stirred she is to stir a coffeespoonful into a second tumblerful and take from it two to four coffeespoonfuls (increasing daily by one spoonful) in the morning. September 20. Much better, speaks more rationally, wants to do something; she recognizes me, calls me by name and wishes to kiss a lady who is present. From then she began to grow tender;-she easily gets cross and takes things ill,-she sleeps well, weeps frequently, but gets angry about trifles, she eats more than usual; when she becomes conscious, she loves to play, but only like the children. Belladonna, one pellet of a higher potency, seven spoonfuls shaken in two tumblers full of water, six coffeespoonfuls from the second tumbler. Early in the morning. * September 28. On the 22d, 23d and 24th, very much excited day and night. Great voluptuousness in gestures and words, she lifts up her dress and wishes to touch the parts of others; she gets angry quickly and beats everybody. Hyoscyamus X. Seven tablespoonfuls, etc., one tablespoonful into one tumblerful of water; in the morning one coffeespoonful. October 5. For five days she would not eat anything; she complains of colic. Since several days she has not been so malicious and less lewd, also more rational. The stool is too soft; itching all over the body, especially on the sexual parts. Sleep is good. October 10. On the 7th she had a violent attack of malignity, she wished to beat everybody. On the following day, the 8th, she had an attack of timidity and fear, almost as it had been in the beginning of her disease (afraid of an imaginary wolf). She fears that she will be burned up. Since then she has become quiet and talks rationally, and there has been nothing unseemly during the last two days. Sacch. lactis. October 14. Perfectly well and rational; on October 18. Equally so, but she often has some headache, is inclined to sleep by day, less cheerful. Now Sulphur (a new dynamization from a minimal quantity), one pellet in three tumblersful; early in the morning one coffee-spoonful. October 22. Very well, but little headache. Sulphur, the next dynamization in two tumblers. She then continued to use some Sulphur with interruptions up to November, and she remained a healthy, rational, dear girl.
Casos de odontalgia (13) (On toothache en The Lesser Writings) Caso de faringitis recidivante y fisura de ano (Warning: the smallness of the dose en The Lesser Writings) O-----t, an actor, 33 years old, unmarried. January 14, 1843. For several years he has had a sore throat, so now for a month. The last time his sore throat had lasted six weeks. When swallowing saliva, he feels a pricking sensation of constriction and soreness. When he is not afflicted with this sore throat, he suffers from a fissure of the anus, with violent pain as from a chap; then the anus is inflamed, swollen and constricted, he can then discharge his stool with great exertions, while swollen hæmorrhoidal veins extrude. January 15. He took early before breakfast a coffeesponful of a solution of one pellet of Belladonna in seven tablespoonful of water, from which solution one tablespoonful was put into a tumblerful of water and stirred. January 15. In the evening the throat was worse. January 16. The throatache is gone, but the ailment of the anus has returned, as described, an open fissure with pain as from a chap, swelling, beating pain and constricture. Nevertheless he had a painful stool in the evening. He acknowledged that eight years ago he had a chancre which had been as usual destroyed with a corrosive, after which all these ailments had set in. On January 10 he received one pellet of Mercurius vivus I. of the lowest new dynamization (which contains immensely less substance than the present) prepared for being taken as before and taken as before (after shaking the bottle every time), one spoon-full in one tumblerful of water, as with the Belladonna, well stirred. January 20. Almost all the toothache gone. The anus is better; but he still feels a soreness there after the stools; but there is no more pulsation there, no swelling of the anus and no inflammation. Less constricted. One pellet of Mercurius viv., 2 dynamization, prepared and taken in the same manner in the morning. I did not note down whether he took the Mercurius (2) once or twice a day; usually only once early in the morning before breakfast. January 25. The throat is almost altogether well, but in the anus there is a pain as from a chap, and severe lancinations, severe pain in the anus after stool, there is still some constriction and heat. January 30. In the afternoon he received the last dose (one coffeespoonful). On the 28th the anus was better, the throatache had returned; severe chaps in the throat. One pellet in sugar of milk for seven days, prepared and taken as before. February 7. Severe pain as from ulceration in the throat. Colic, but good stools, but several times in succession, with great thirst. But everything is well at the anus. Sulphur 2-0 in seven tablespoonfuls of water as above. February 13. He had ulcerative pains in his throat, especially when swallowing saliva of which he now has a great quantity, especially much on the 11th and 12th. Some constriction of the anus, especially since yesterday. Now I let him smell of Mercurius and gave him Mercurius vivus 2-0, one pellet, as always in seven tablespoons, one-half spoonful of brandy and to be taken as before. February 20. The throat is better since the 18th; he suffered much at the anus; the stool pains him when discharged; less thirst. §-0 Sugar of milk in seven tablespoonfuls. March 3. No more throatache. In going to the stool a hæmorrhoidal vein but bloodless extrudes (formerly this caused burning and pains as from chaps), now there is only itching in that spot. I let him smell of Ac. nitr. March 20. Hardly any more pain after the stool; yesterday some blood was discharged with the stool (an old symptom). The throat is well, only when drinking anything cold there is some sensation. Now he is allowed to smell of Ac. nitr. The smelling is directed after opening a little vial containing half an ounce of low grade alcohol or brandy, in which one pellet with medicine is dissolved; he smells at it one or two moments. His health was permanently restored. While I allow my indulgent readers, also according to their good pleasure the specificists who are not so kindly disposed towards me, to make their comments on these two cases, and cures which Hahnemann himself in his letter of the 24th of April, styles "not the most instructive ones"

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